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同时,我们也呼吁社会各界能够伸出援手,让我们共同为创造更加温暖的社会做出努力。 【我们也严重缺乏物资,希望能够得到你们的捐助,让更多人得到帮助】 在这里要感谢善心人士的布施与帮助,所有的患者才有机会接受医疗方面的治疗。感激你的帮助,滴水之恩万心暖,感谢您的爱心托起《扶贫》明天的希望。

Julie Zhu, 62 years old and single, is from Ipoh. She has an 81-year-old brother, but he is also in need of assistance due to his age, so she has been living on her own and supporting herself by renting a room. She used to work as a teaching assistant in a kindergarten, but lost her job when the school closed in December last year. Despite her efforts to find employment, her age has been a barrier. She turned to her friends in Klang for help, but they were unable to find her a place to stay because she is not yet 65 years old. It was only when her friends reached out to us that we became aware of her situation. Julie suffers from goitre, asthma, and stomach problems, and requires regular medical check-ups. We have taken her in at our poverty alleviation and medical rehabilitation center so that she can rest and receive the care she needs. We also appeal to society to lend a helping hand and work together to create a more compassionate community. 【We are also in dire need of supplies and hope to receive your donations to help more people】 WE MAKE A LIVING BY WHAT WE GET, BUT WE MAKE A LIFE BY WHAT WE GIVE #kepong #jinjangutara #扶贫医疗康复中心

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